Ovrnite worked really well for me. I usually take melatonin before bed, but I stopped so I could have different vantage points to compare. Melatonin for me would sometimes just help me get to the point where I could fall asleep if my mind wouldn’t slow down, but it never improved the quality of my sleep. I typically don’t have trouble falling asleep, but if I get up anytime after 5 I’m up.
Since taking Ovrnite, I feel like I’ve been sleeping harder, and I’ve been naturally getting more tired in the evenings. I’ve been waking up earlier, and it feels like I’ve slept much longer than usual. It almost seems like I need less sleep, as I feel the quality is much better. I feel like my natural sleep cycles are more consistent and more how they are supposed to be, I feel more regimented, and feel like the sleep I’m getting is a stronger, higher quality’s night sleep.